More Texture 3 Piece Palette Knives for cake decorating is a Custom Set of Stainless Steel and Wood handle Palette Knifes specifically designed by Monica Cavallaro for Buttercream, Ganache and Royal Icing work on cakes.
These are also awesome for artists alike as created for flower and texturing.
These are not your standard off the shelf palette knife - take your cake decorating skills to another level.
Set of 3 flexi blades in a sharper diamond series.
We can’t begin to tell you how many requests we receive for the diamond heads and for different sizing.
These produce a sharper petal edge, leaf edge, crisper details and textures in the quality you already love.
More Texture 3 Piece Palette Knives for cake decorating is a Custom Set of Stainless Steel and Wood handle Palette Knifes specifically designed by Monica Cavallaro for Buttercream, Ganache and Royal Icing work on cakes.
These are also awesome for artists alike as created for flower and texturing.
These are not your standard off the shelf palette knife - take your cake decorating skills to another level.
Set of 3 flexi blades in a sharper diamond series.
We can’t begin to tell you how many requests we receive for the diamond heads and for different sizing.
These produce a sharper petal edge, leaf edge, crisper details and textures in the quality you already love.