15 Things You Need to Know Before Buying an Edible Image Supplies Edible Printing System
Posted by Tanya Montgomery on 24th Apr 2023
Before investing your hard-earned dollars in an edible printing system there are a few things we think you should know.
- The printer must be brand new to start with and then dedicated to edible printing. You can not interchange edible and regular ink. Regular ink is not edible.
- Printing regularly will keep your printer happy. If you are not printing at least weekly then a weekly test print is necessary, just on normal A4 paper to save your icing sheets. Do not let the printer sit idle.
- We have Canon printers in our edible printing systems range, as the printhead can be removed and cleaned. We can not provide advice on other brands.
- Our printers feed from the back. Do not put your icing sheets, wafer paper or chocolate transfer sheets in the bottom document tray.
- Which of our printers is best? We recommend both. They are both good, proven printers for edible printing. If you need to print A3 size sheets then you need the A3 printer. A3 printers also print A4 size paper and icing sheets.
- You can use the same edible printer to print on icing sheets, wafer paper, chocolate transfer sheets (mirror image print setting) and normal paper (test prints).
- You will need to manually check your ink levels in the cartridges by removing them and looking at them. Trying to print with an empty cartridge will damage your printhead.
- You can refill our ink cartridges, but don’t do this while they are still inside the printer. Save the orange tabs and the rubber plug and put them back on first.
- Keep a brand new spare set of cartridges on hand. Even if you are refilling, as this does take time if you are working to a deadline. Murphy’s Law ensures that your ink will run out on a Friday afternoon just before you have a job to get out and there is nothing we can do to help you if that happens.
- Your printed edible image will not always look like it does on your computer screen. Edible ink and icing sheets are not regular ink or regular paper. Pinks, purples and reds are the hardest colours to perfectly match. Colours may also appear darker as they dry. You may need to manage the expectations of your customers. Image colours can be manually adjusted in software such as Paint.
- Any software from Word to Photoshop can be used to make templates for Edible Printing or you can try our Icing Artist Software.
- You will need to look up printer errors in the printer manual, please download it when you make your purchase.
- You will need to regularly maintain your edible printer; clean the rollers, remove and clean the printhead etc and you will get ink on your hands – it washes off.
- Canon will not provide customer service when the printer is being used for edible printing so you will need to call us. We provide an instruction booklet with our printing systems, have detailed FAQs, have valuable Edible Tips in our blogs and can be contacted by phone or email during business hours.
- Canon will not provide warranty when the printer is being used for edible printing, so this is provided by Edible Image Supplies. Review our warranty conditions here.
So, if you are the type of person who:
- Likes to invest time and effort into mastering new things
- Like to problem solve
- Has patience with technology
- Understands that printers have a mind of their own
Then you’ll have edible printing mastered in no time! Go for it: Edible Ink Printers.