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Is your edible ink printer catching at the end of the print and/or overlapping at the bottom of each print? This is frustrating, we know, but it is also easily resolved with a bit of 1, 2, 3 troubleshooting. So here goes: If your  edible ink printer stops just before the bottom of the image and prints over the same spot give this a go: 1. Run the Bottom Plate Cleaning function. Depending on your printer this can be found in… Read more
Using cleaning cartridges and following regular printer maintenance guidelines definitely can make a big difference to your edible printer’s life and its performance. So, how does using cleaning cartridges in your edible ink printer help? Edible ink is quite viscous, more so than non-edible inks. Therefore, the printer's printhead (the costliest component of your printer) can become clogged if not flushed regularly. The printhead has sever… Read more