Cake Crumbs with Ashleigh Black from Tasty Typography
Posted by Nicole Tait on 29th Jun 2023
Ashleigh Black from Tasty Typography claims that edible images help her to disguise the fact that she is "not an artist". We reckon she's being pretty modest about her skill level, to be honest. Although edible images are an integral part of her business, it appears to us that they simply enhance her existing creativity and talent.
1. Can you tell us about the moment you first realised you wanted to start your own edible image and cake business?
I started making personalised edible images as something to do on the side after a busy day at work (I’m a sucker for punishment).
The whole idea was to create DIY packs with icing, sprinkles and edible images for customers to create their own cake creations. And as the story goes customers just kept asking me to make the cake as well.... so here we are!
2. Starting and running a business can be a wild ride! What challenges have you faced while building your business and how have you overcome them?
Edible image printers and getting them to work! (Although I think my troubles in the beginning were just not using it enough) Knowing your worth! If a customer does not want to pay for your skills and service then that’s ok. Don’t undervalue yourself!
3. What has starting and running your own business meant for you personally?
It means I can go to my sons sports carnival or watch his Easter hat parade!
4. Can you explain the advantages of incorporating edible images into your cakes and those of your customer’s?
Edible images help me hide the fact that I am no artist!! (Do not ask me to draw anything, I even struggle with stick figures)
5. We're curious, what design gets your creative juices flowing and why is it your favourite to work on?
I love when a customer give me free rein. One of my favourite cakes I have made to date - the brief the customer gave me was purple, horses and for a 11 year old girl.
6. What are some of the latest and greatest trends in the world of edible images you're seeing?
I love using edible images on biscuits (instead of embossers etc). And setting them on fondant then using them as cake toppers/froppers (front-topper) etc
7. Can you share some of your pro tips for printing and applying edible images effectively?
Air – con!!!!!!!!! I live in Queensland, humidity sucks!
8. Self-care is crucial! How do you ensure that you're taking care of yourself while also running your business?
My guilty pleasure is a deluxe pedicure (the one with the hot oil/wax stuff that sets I have no idea what it is but its amazing!) whilst reading a good adult romance!
9. What career achievement are you most proud of and why does it hold a special place in your heart?
Proud of..... or cringe worthy I’m not sure. Looking back on the cakes I was making two years ago make me cringe, but seeing the cakes I make now makes me pretty proud of the skills I have developed.
10. Are there any other EIS products that you love using in your work?
I love the standard A4 icing sheets, they are my go to! I have tried other brands and none compare!