Cake Crumbs - with Cake Love by Sarah Helena
22nd Feb 2022
Each month we will feature one of our talented customers and share with you their story and tasty tips.
Cake Crumbs - with Sarah from Cake Love by Sarah Helena
1. How did your baking journey begin?
My baking journey started when my son was diagnosed with an illness and my husband started a fly in fly out job. I had worked in mental health for 15 years. The paediatrician told me I'd need a hobby so I googled hobby and cake art came up so I started with a few tutorials, and attended Wests cake school and then starting baking for family and friends. I entered the royal Melbourne show 5 years ago now and won first in my category and then it just naturally progressed since then. I now have 10,500 Facebook followers and 3000 instagram followers.
2. As a cake decorator, what do you feel are the benefits of using edible images?
When I saw them I thought they were genius. I think the misconception with them amongst the cake community was you just wrap the sheet around the cake and smooth it down and it took the skill out of decorating - but that wasn't true for me you can use edible images as just another technique like others to enhance your work for example lettering, giving a slight 3D appearance, things can't possibly do with fondant you can make happen with an image. Personalising things now is so on trend so do baby showers weddings you can do all your own original artwork in publisher and then print it to personalise the product. They are also gluten free and vegan so for clients that have limitations in what you can use they can still have an amazing looking cake.
3. What’s your favourite type of cake to create?
I love creating all types of cakes but I love novelty cakes such as DC comics, mario brothers, marvel comics because you can do so much with creating great art work and printing images especially on boards as well.
4. What’s the strangest/funniest cake you’ve been asked to make?
Probably a very 80's style 60th cake which was black hot pink edible lace ribbon and diamanté. It didn't matter how many suggestions I gave on colour that was what they wanted it really looked like it belonged at an 80's punk wedding lol!
5. What’s your best tip for wanna be cake makers/decorators?
Practice practice practice- it's all about how much time you want to put in - definitely if you repeat things so many times and make mistakes you can perfect them - there are so many nights I stayed up until 2 or 3 am trying to master a technique or create new techniques. You will go through disappointments especially with competition but different judges have different tastes just try to meet your brief as best you can but always stay true to your own style.
6. What is your all time favourite cake making tool?
Oh my EIS printer and my extruder. My printer just gives me pops of colour or really cool finishes I need on my piece to make it stand out, and my extruder for perfect edges, lines and a polished look on my modelling.
7. Do you have any tips you can share when either printing or applying edible images?
Yes, definitely check you cartridges clean your printer and have it serviced. Your colour and crispness of image will be effected if you don't do this. Also don't buy other sugar sheets or ink stay with EIS brand because if something goes astray they are always there to help you through and you know your using the best quality ink and sheets through your printer producing the best product.