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Lauren Jaehne's edible image business, Life Is Sweet Edible Images, began as a dream nine years ago. After finding the courage to believe in herself, she made that dream a reality two years ago. Starting from scratch was daunting, but today, Lauren enjoys creating fun, on-trend designs while appreciating the flexibility it brings to her work and family life. She encourages others to take the plunge into their own business ventures!1. Can you… Read more
Edible printing is a captivating way to transform sweet treats into edible masterpieces, allowing you to add intricate designs, personal touches, and vibrant colours to your creations. However, it's important to understand that the process of edible printing comes with its own unique characteristics and challenges that can impact the final appearance of your printed images.Edible Printing on Icing Sheets vs. Regular PaperPrinting with edible ink… Read more
Roller cleaning is part of your regular edible printing maintenance. If the paper feed rollers in your edible ink printer are dirty - have icing sheet residue, ink or paper powder is attached to them - your icing sheets may not feed properly, or you may notice marks on your icing sheets. If this is the case, you will need to clean your printer’s paper feed rollers. If feeding seems to be the issue, firstly check out our blog My Edible Icing… Read more
Keen to cut perfect rounds in various sizes every time? Yes? Then you need to get your caking hands our EIS Icing Cutter Pro! The Icing Cutter Pro has saved many a caker/bakers hand from repetitive scissor-use strain. It’s simple to use, adjustable to suit the sizes you need from 1" (2.4cm) - 6" (15.3cm) in diameter and will help cut through your icing sheets and fondant to produce perfect round disks in the flick of a wrist. How d… Read more
Each month we will feature one of our talented customers and share with you their story and tasty tips.Cake Crumbs - with Sarah from Cake Love by Sarah Helena1. How did your baking journey begin?My baking journey started when my son was diagnosed with an illness and my husband started a fly in fly out job. I had worked in mental health for 15 years. The paediatrician told me I'd need a hobby so I googled hobby and cake art came up so I started wi… Read more
Each month we will feature one of our talented customers and share with you their story and tasty tips.1. How did your baking journey begin?My journey (Jaime) really started as a kid - I would love making & decorating the family birthday cakes & I guess my passion grew from there. I did a basics beginner cake course about 7 years ago to pursue my hobby & then the rest I have really just learnt through trial & error/ online tutorials/ decorating b… Read more
Everyone loves an edible gift, in recent years there’s been a big increase in branded edible gifts for the corporate world. This goes hand in hand with edible image printing allowing logo’s and slogans to be easily and cost-effectively added to tasty treats such as cakes, cupcakes, cookies, lollipops and chocolates. Many of our EIS customers have already developed a strong product line in branded edible image gifts for their corporate client… Read more
Self-confessed workaholic Beck Hemmingway's fond childhood memories of baking with her Grandma, along with a contented first baby saw her love for baking morph into a successful cake business of her own Caked By Beck. Here Beck shares with us her story and how she manages to keep her workaholic self in check.1. How did your cake/sweets/business journey begin?I grew up on a rural property and my Grandma lived on the same grounds... I spent a… Read more
As many cake decorators and treat makers have already discovered the benefits of adding edible images to their cache of sweet creations are numerous. Edible images allow you to customise designs quickly and professionally for private and corporate clients. They save time, allow quick turn arounds, large production runs and can make for more affordable options for your customers. Edible images are easy to produce and use, so are great for be… Read more
To save you money (and to be a little more environmentally friendly) Edible Image Supplies sell refillable cartridges to go with our printer systems.Here’s a step by step on how to refill your Edible Image Supplies ink cartridges.TIP: It is good practice if you are refilling to have two sets of cartridges. One set in use inside the printer and one set, full of ink on standby. When one cartridge inside the printer requires refilling, tak… Read more