Cake Crumbs with Teresa Talevski from Cookies All Round
26th Feb 2022
Like many of our customers, Teresa Talesvki realised her hidden talent and passion for baking, specifically cookie making, once her own children arrived. The first birthday cookie boxes to celebrate her son very quickly morphed into her own cookie business Cookies All Round. Teresa has not looked back since.
1. How did your sweets business or journey begin?
It all started unintentionally in 2016, my son was turning one and we decided to combine his christening and 1st birthday celebration. I loved the idea of a cookie box as guest gifts and got to work making 100 boxes of various fondant cookies.
The reviews and requests flowed in, from that moment Cookies All Round began.
2. What has starting your own business meant for you?
As my business has grown over the years, it has allowed me to explore and share my passion for creativity.
Having worked my whole life within the corporate world, had this little venture not flourished I would never have thought to start this business.
The universe really does work in mysterious ways, and I am so grateful to be able to work for myself doing something I love with so much flexibility and freedom.
3. What have been/are the biggest challenges you face(d) in regard to starting/building/maintaining your business?
The biggest challenge I face and continue to face is the multitasking of so many aspects within the business, including work-life balance.
Some days are easier than others, however with Covid’s arrival and being a mum of 2 school-aged kids, juggling admin, baking, decorating, custom designing, enquiries, stocktake, homeschooling, house duties and everything in-between is a juggling act.
4. What do you feel are the benefits of using edible images?
Oh, I love edible image prints because the design opportunities are endless for all my clients. The creative design aspect of my business really is my favourite part, and I could sit for hours at my computer redesigning concepts for my clients.
5. What is your favourite type of treat/design to create?
I really love when my clients give me free rein to design image concepts for them, be it for lollipops or cookies.
But for me personally, anything with animal prints or designs is a favourite, I’m a sucker for a little leopard print.
6. What is the current trend you’re seeing in edible images?
Kids themed cookies and lollipops are always requested. Currently, I’m working on a Miraculous Ladybug theme and my son recently requested The Little Rascals theme for his birthday.
Trends are really varied depending on the client's requests, I don’t really see much of the same design, which keeps things fun and fresh.
7. What is the funniest/most unusual sweet creation you’ve been asked to make?
The most amazing cookie I got to make was for a gender reveal party. The client entrusted me with a little envelope from her doctor with the gender of her baby. It was a special feeling knowing that only myself and the doctor knew what she was having, and my creation was going to surprise her. It was a little girl.
8. Do you have any tips you can share when either printing or applying edible images?
Number one tip, make sure you have the right paper size selected and select the image print size so that your measurements are accurate once printed.
Number two: always store your prints in an airtight ziplock bag, this will make sure they don’t dry out, even after you have printed them.
9. What is your “can’t live without” sweet making tool?
I would have to say my edible printer, the versatility of designs with the printer are endless. Anyone can make custom fondant cookies, but creating a one-off design from the computer to cookie is always unique.
10. What do you do for yourself within your life and business to help avoid or alleviate burnout?
Working out is a must for me, it burns off frustration, melts away extra cookie calories, and really relaxes my mind.
I tend to work out in the morning before the business day begins, with a mix of cardio, boxing, and weight training.
On decorating days I will throw in some squats at my bench to stretch out the legs from standing in the same spot for hours.
11. What is your career highlight to date?
don’t really have one particular highlight, I pride myself on organic business growth from word of mouth marketing. So, I guess the biggest highlight for me is when I get new clients that then become repeat customers.
Oh, and I really truly love it when kids tell me that I make the best cookies ever, it really fills my heart.