Edible Printer Turned On or Off? Lets Settle This Now!
Posted by Tanya Montgomery on 22nd Aug 2024
Do you keep your printer on 24/7, or do you power it down daily? What's best for your edible printer? Let’s dive into some facts.
Why You Should Leave It Turned On:
1. You Use Less Ink. Seriously!
When a printer is turned off and then powered back on, it performs a routine maintenance cycle. This cycle, responsible for those familiar whirring sounds, involves shooting ink from the cartridge at high speeds to clean out dried ink or debris that may clog the printhead. By keeping your edible printer on, you bypass this maintenance cycle, ultimately saving your edible ink.
2. You Save Some Time. Well, a Little Bit.
Leaving your edible printer on means it’s always ready to use. You don’t have to wait for the maintenance routine to complete when you have an urgent job to print.
Why You Should Turn It Off:
1. You Save Ink. It’s True.
Turning your edible printer off when not in use helps stop your edible ink from evaporating. When your edible printer is turned on, it activates an uncapping mechanism that exposes the edible ink cartridges to air. If the printer is always on, the cartridges remain exposed. Properly turning the printer off returns the cartridges to a sealed position, preventing your precious edible ink from evaporating.
2. You Protect Your Printhead.
Skipping the routine on/off maintenance cycle can cause the printhead to get clogged with dried ink and debris over time, leading to troubleshooting issues and possibly printhead replacement. Additionally, leaving the printer on generates heat, which can affect the longevity of both the printhead and the edible ink.
Why You Should Let It Sleep:
Sleep mode is a low-power state that activates after the printer has been idle for a certain period. Also known as standby mode, sleep mode reduces power consumption and returns the edible ink cartridges to their sealed position, protecting them from air exposure.
So, it’s really up to you!
The decision to leave your edible printer on or off depends on your usage patterns and priorities. If you frequently use your edible printer, leaving it on might save you time and maintenance cycles. However, if your edible printer sits idle for long periods, turning it off or using sleep mode can conserve edible ink and protect your printhead. Finding the right balance can ensure your edible printer performs at its best and lasts longer.